“Sudoku With Logic” is a Sudoku generator and a comprehensive Sudoku assistant in one. You can generate puzzles with the difficulty you select, solve them on the computer or print them, get hints if necessary. The hints are always based on human logic and they are given in two steps: first you get a general hint that can help you find the next move by yourself. Only if this is not enough, you can get a second hint, which will clearly explain what digit, where and why can be placed or removed. In this way you can learn how to solve even the most difficult puzzles while still having fun doing this.
When generating a new puzzle, you can specify which level(s) of difficulty you are interested in, so that you always get a puzzle that is adequate to your skills. The generated puzzles always have exactly one possible solution and are guaranteed to be solvable by means of logical thinking (no trial-and-error required). The hint-engine simulates the human way of thinking, so the hints you get are always suitable for the level of difficulty of the puzzle being solved.